About Us


Hi! I am Jennifer Gilbertz, the owner at Prairie Artisan Fragrance! When I was a little girl, around age 4 to 5 years old, my mom gave me some perfume samples that she received from the Avon lady. That small little gift was the beginning of my love and infatuation with perfume and everything smelly.

Flash forward 30 years... I had been working as a travel agent and continued to for the next 6 years, when I started to wish I had something tangible to show for my work. Client’s pictures and memories, of their travels to far off places, was no longer satisfying me. I searched for a school, found one that sounded excellent, applied and was accepted into the program for Perfume Creation & Olfaction! I couldn’t think of anything better than making perfume. Within the next 2 months, I found myself arriving in France, to attend the world renowned ISIPCA in Versailles France. This particular school had the reputation of training some of the most prolific perfumers of our time and in the world!

After completing the program, I eventually returned to the US, planning to start my own perfume company. I began creating perfume right away, and in 2010 decided to form my business, now known as Prairie Artisan Fragrances! A hand crafted line that speaks of the prairie that I grew up on, and the places I have visited across the world!

And here I am 14 years later still chasing my dreams with the same business!